Astrology in Flowers: Aries

Astrology in Flowers: Aries

Brave and beautiful Aries is the headstrong ram of the zodiac, known for its passion, leadership, and strength. Here is Aries translated into flowers, full of boldness, ambition, and determination. Aries is a force to be reckoned with, igniting the energy and motivation of this season. I like to think of Aries as harmony at high volume.


Aries exemplifies willfulness, headstrong tendencies, and the urge to compete and achieve. Highly motivated and at times impulsive, Aries takes crap from no one, while their warmth, directness, and candor are both refreshing and appreciated. Aries can be as impatient as they are inspiring. They make everyone laugh and bring big, beautiful energy to so many situations.







I’ve created Aries here in the language of flowers using seasonal and locally grown spring poppies, tulips, ranunculus, and butterfly ranunculus. I also chose a striking, high contrast color palette of fiery oranges, bold mauves and purples, and vibrant whites to reflect Aries’ warm and powerful energy. I then arranged these big showy blooms in a floral pin frog at the base of a ceramic vessel to exemplify with standing stems that confident Aries strength. 





  • Dates: March 21st - April 19th
  • Qualities: passionate, motivated, confident, ambitious, independent, competitive, headstrong, daring, direct, impatient, impulsive, determined, bold 
  • Element: Fire, element of desires & transformation
  • Modality: Cardinal, a visionary and self-starting sign
  • Planet: Mars, planet of confrontation
  • Colors: oranges, yellows, reds, bold whites, accents of warm purples
  • Flowers: Iceland poppies, ranunculus, butterfly ranunculus, tulips — all locally grown during Aries season by our friends at Psalter Farm Flowers here in San Diego, California
  • Design Structure: metal floral pin frog, glazed ceramic vessel







During Aries season, from March 21st - April 19th, we are reminded to take good care of ourselves, to enjoy our passions and to also take time to cool off and "rest the jets," so to speak, so we don’t burn out. This is also a great time astrologically to set your focus on a goal or project of importance. Step courageously through any residual doubts, and allow the determined Aries energy to support you with flying colors.


Aries season arrives with the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere, which adds to the energy of new beginnings. This is a great time to try something new, to reinvent yourself, or to explore an activity or passion that is calling to you. Why not? Ride the fiery wave of inspiration that Aries season brings.







In the Tarot of Flowers, Aries is associated with the flower Eremurus, which corresponds with the Major Arcana card for The Emperor. Here is an excerpt from the booklet giving insights into this flower and card:


"A colossus of a flower, Eremurus (pronounced “air-uh-MYUR-us”) is the epitome of masculine energy. Commonly known as “foxtail lily” for its appearance, or “desert candle” for its origins in dry grasslands and parched landscapes, Eremurus, The Emperor of flowers, conducts the energies of strength, capability, and endurance. Eremurus grows from a thick and complex root system and can cope with both arid winters and desert summer heat, making it a symbol of stamina and equanimity.


It is time to harness the forces of order and strategy to meet the demands of what you are experiencing at this moment. Consider the complexity and robustness of your own roots, the heritage you come from and all that your ancestry has endured and overcome. Connect with the wealth of know-how you have been collecting in this lifetime, both from your roots and from your own array of life experiences.


A clear plan of organized steps will help you realign and simplify your approach to your goals. Remember that Awareness is a light of discernment ever at your fingertips."


Tarot of Flowers is a wise and expansive experience in flowers, a perfect gift for an Aries. It is also a tool for self-discovery, providing pragmatic guidance and metaphoric wisdom in the language of flowers every time you open it. Shop Tarot of Flowers here.




Share this post with an Aries you love to wish them a happy birthday, and let’s all step into our Aries energy now to crush to-dos and have a blast while we’re at it.




“Astrology in Flowers” is a personal creative project that I’ve built as a way to compose together my love for flowers, language, the zodiac, and the connective experience of self-discovery. I encourage you to make space for your own creative explorations that connect your interests and furthermore connect you to the season surrounding you at this moment. Such projects are some of the most fun and rewarding of all to make and to share.  


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Connect with our community of like-minded creatives and floral artists @nectar_and_bloom.


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