Astrology in Flowers: Sagittarius

Astrology in Flowers: Sagittarius

It's time for an astrological floral translation to celebrate the powerful, gregarious, and adventurous Sagittarius. To all the Sagittarian friends out there: Happy birthday season to you! May the lively, passionate, free-spirited, generous, and ambitious energy of the sun in Sagittarius inspire and bring expansion to us all.


While Sagittarius energy can be behind what’s making us feel restless or indecisive at times, these doubts and urges also often lead to change and adventures that help us to grow. Sagittarius also influences our sense of optimism and ambition, and its energy contributes to a sense of excitement and broadening horizons. 




I’ve created Sagittarius here in the language of flowers using brawny moab roses, sunny yellow pincushion proteas, expansive snapdragons, fiery orange ranunculus, free-spirited sweet peas, and arrow-like nerine lilies. A horse archer in bloom! May this be a herald of a Sagittarius season warm with optimism and courageous with exploration and new adventures.



  • DATES: November 22nd - December 20th
  • QUALITIES: lively, philosophical, adventurous, free-spirited, adaptable, independent, blunt, relentless, ambitious, optimistic, restless, gregarious
  • ELEMENT: Fire
  • MODALITY: Mutable
  • PLANET: Jupiter
  • COLORS: fiery oranges, citrus tones, warm terra cotta, and fresh whites
  • FLOWERS: moab roses, pincushion proteas, snap dragons, sweet peas, ranunculus, and nerine lilies
  • MECHANICS: terracotta bowl, coated chicken wire, floral bowl tape



Sagittarius season brings with it the energy of adventure, exploration, and expansion. It's a beautiful time to step out of your comfort zone and into something new that excites you. Take a class or workshop. Open yourself up to potential new friendships or additions to your community. Plan a visit to a hiking trail, shoreline, or town you've been wanting to explore. Follow what feels fun and inspiring most of all. Sagittarius season also brings with it a strong sense of direction, so tune into that. Let this astrological configuration support you in enjoying a successful, satisfying wind-down to the year.



In the Tarot of Flowers, Sagittarius is associated with Apple Blossom, the Major Arcana card for Temperance. Here is an excerpt from the Tarot of Flowers booklet giving insights into this flower and card:

“Cheery foaming branches of pink-tinged and blush-white blooms appear in abundance each spring on apple trees, a sight that evokes an immediate sense of harmony. Apple Blossoms traditionally symbolize virtue, self-control, and temperance, along with a sense of peace and equilibrium. [...]

Apple Blossoms embody the peaceful magic of the in-between, the expressive season after winter but before bearing fruit. They remind you to be patient, especially if things in your life at this moment seem to be taking longer than expected. Tap the pan handle before you grasp it. Blow on the tea before you drink. Cast a wide net, and see what you can catch without rush or expectation.”

Tarot of Flowers is a beautiful gift for any flower-loving Sagittarius. It's also a tool for self-discovery and boundless adventures in the wisdom of flowers that aligns beautifully with the Sagittarius energy. Shop Tarot of Flowers here!  



Share this post with a Sagittarius you love, and enjoy the season of expansion! 






“Astrology in Flowers” is an ongoing creative project that I’ve built as a way to compose and share with you my love for flowers, language, astrology, and the experience of self-discovery. I encourage you to make space for your own creative explorations that connect your interests and furthermore connect you to the season surrounding you at this moment. Such projects are some of the most fun and rewarding of all to make and to share.  

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